Page:Tales from old Japanese dramas (1915).djvu/202

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So saying the old man removed the veil, and was astonished to see that her jet-black hair, which had formerly been newly dressed in the beautiful Shimada style, was cut short. She also was holding a rosary in her hand, and was entirely dressed in the robes of a Buddhist nun! They were all three struck dumb with amazement. O-Mitsu's lips trembled, and she suddenly burst into floods of tears.

"I am sure," she said, "that you are all astonished at my appearance. I judged from Hisamatsu's and O-Somé's manner and looks that they would kill themselves if I did not become a nun. So in order to save their lives, I have abandoned my love, affection, and jealousy, and have resolved to pass the rest of my days in seclusion as a nun. I earnestly hope that you will both live for ever as man and wife, and allow me to be as a sister to you. I do not, believe me, feel any ill-will towards either of you. I beg that you will not let my sacrifice, prove useless."

The three listeners could do nothing but weep and lament at the girl's touching confession.

Whilst the above described scene had been taking place, a middle-aged woman had been