Page:Tales from old Japanese dramas (1915).djvu/203

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watching the scene from outside the door. She was none other than O-Somé's mother, O-Katsu, who had been so anxious about her daughter that she had followed her. She had overheard O-Mitsu's words, and was moved to tears. She opened the door, and entered the room with the hot tears fast rolling down her cheeks. She apologized profusely for her daughter, and expressed her hearty sympathy and admiration for O-Mitsu. She then turned to Kyūsaku, and told him that she entirely believed in Hisamatsu's innocence in the matter of the lost 150 ryō. She had left the superintendence of her clerks and servants in the hands of the head clerk Kosuké, and so the business was now under his care. Now that Kyūsaku had so generously repaid the money, there was no need for Hisamatsu to stay any longer with his parents. She would take him back with her to Ōsaka, and he might continue in her service as before.

"I cannot find words in which to express my gratitude to O-Mitsu for her noble sacrifice!" concluded she. "Kyūsaku San, will you allow me to offer her this sum of money, as a token of my thankfulness?"