Page:Tales from the Arabic, Vol 1.djvu/192

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eunuch also and cast them both into an underground dungeon in his house, after which he went in to Shah Khatoun and said to her, ‘Thou hast done well, by Allah, O daughter of nobles, O thou whom kings sought in marriage, for the excellence of thy repute and the goodliness of the reports of thee! How fair is thy semblance! May God curse her whose inward is the contrary of her outward, after the likeness of thy base favour, whose outward is comely and its inward foul, fair face and foul deeds! Verily, I mean to make of thee and of yonder good-for-nought an example among the folk, for that thou sentest not thine eunuch but of intent on his account, so that he took him and brought him into my house and thou hast trampled my head with him; and this is none other than exceeding hardihood; but thou shall see what I will do with you.’

So saying, he spat in her face and went out from her; whilst Shah Khatoun made him no answer, knowing that, if she spoke at that time, he would not credit her speech. Then she humbled herself in supplication to God the Most High and said, ‘O God the Great, Thou knowest the hidden things and the outward parts and the inward! If an advanced term[1] be [appointed] to me, let it not be deferred, and if a deferred one, let it not be advanced!’ On this wise she passed some days, whilst the king fell into perplexity and forswore meat and drink and sleep and abode knowing not what he should do and saying [in himself], ‘If I kill the eunuch and the youth, my soul will not be solaced, for they are not to blame, seeing