Page:Tales from the Arabic, Vol 1.djvu/83

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not thyself with [undue] haste, for I know that her father’s breast will be straitened by this affair and this that thou dost will not profit thee.” But the king said, “Verily, Isfehend is [my boughten] servant and a slave of my slaves, and I reck not of her father, if he be vexed or pleased.” So saying, he drew the reins of the mule and carrying the damsel, whose name was Behrjaur, to his house, married her.

Meanwhile, the eunuch betook himself, he and the horsemen, to her father and said to him, “O my lord, the king is beholden to thee for many years’ service and thou hast not failed him a day of the days; and now, behold, he hath taken thy daughter against thy wish and without thy permission.” And he related to him what had passed and how the king had taken her by force. When Isfehend heard the eunuch’s story, he was exceeding wroth and assembling many troops, said to them, “Whenas the king was occupied with his women [and concerned not himself with the affairs of his kingdom], we took no reck of him; but now he putteth out his hand to our harem; wherefore methinketh we should do well to look us out a place, wherein we may have sanctuary.”

Then he wrote a letter to King Azadbekht, saying to him, “I am a servant of thy servants and a slave of thy slaves and my daughter is a handmaid at thy service, and may God the Most High prolong thy days and appoint thy times [to be] in delight and contentment! Indeed, I still went girded of the waist in thy service and in caring for the preservation of thy dominion and warding