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ఆడు adu, adj. Female, vide. ఆడ ada- ఆడుబిడ్డ adubidda, A fe m ale child . 2. The sister of one's husband.

ఆఢ్యుడు adhyudu, 5. A lord, a master ; one who is opulent.

ఆణంగులు anangulu, s. vide. ఆడంగులు adangulu.

ఆణి ani, *. A pin, or nail. adj. round, as applied to pearls only.

ఆణీ ani, 5. A vital part ; a secret. ఆణికాడు anikadu, A man acqu- ainted with secrets.

ఆతంకము atankamu, s. Disease, Pain. 2. Fear.

ఆతగాడు, ఆతడు atagadu, atadu, pro masc. of the 3-d. person. He. This word is honoriflcally applied to equals.

ఆతతాయి atatai, 5. A felon, thief, or murderer.

ఆతను atanu, 5. n. vide. ఆతడు atadu.

ఆతపత్రము atapatramu, s. A large umbrella.

ఆతరము ataramu, s. Fare, freight.

ఆతిథ్యము atitbyamu, s. Food given to a guest ; hospitality, adj. Pro- per for a guest, hospitable.

ఆతురము aturamu, s. Haste, hurry, precipitation. 2. Eagerness, avi- dity. ఆతురించు aturintsu, v, a. To hurry, to hasten. ఆతురపడు ktura- padu, z?. n, To be in a hurry, or haste.

ఆతురము aturamu, ac?j. Afflicted with disease 2. Devoted to, stron- gly inclined to.

ఆత్మ atma, s. The soul. 2. Bramha, the supreme deity, and soul of the universe. 3. The body. 4. The understanding, the intellect. 5. The mind, or faculty of reason. 6. Life, spirit, the vivifying soul, in opposition to the sentient one. 7. Self, the abstract individual. ఆత్మజుడు atmajudu, A son.

ఆత్రము atramu, s. vide ఆతురము aturamu.

ఆదట adata, s. Satiet} r , satisfaction, contentment.

ఆదరణ adarana, 5. Consolation, com- fort. 2. A kind reception, favo- rable treatment. 3. Aid, support. 4. Regard, respect, veneration.

ఆదరబాదర adarabadara,aefo. In great haste* and confusion.

ఆదరము adaramu, s. vide ఆదరణ, ఆదరించు adarana, adarintsu, To console, comfort, or caress. 2. To respect. 3. To assist, support, or re- ceive kindly.

ఆదరువు adaruvu, s. Protection, support, aid, refuge. 2, Subsistence.