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ఆదలబాదల adalabadala, adv. vide ఆదరబాదర adarabadara.

ఆదా ada, «. vide ఆదాయము adayamu.

ఆదాబాదా adabada, acfo. virfe ఆదరబాదర adarabadara.

ఆదాయము Adayamu, s. Profit, gain, income.

ఆది adi, s. A mark left in a book, to shew the place where the reader left off.

ఆది adi, adj. First, prior, s, The beginning, the origin.

ఆదిశేషుడు adiseshudu, 5. The chief of serpents, first of its kind. It is understood to have 1000 Heads, upon which it supports the earth, and it forms both the couch and canopy of the god Vishnu.

ఆదుకొను adukonu, v. a. To assist, aid, or protect.

ఆదోక adoka, adj. lit. In the form of a cow's tail. Oval, sloping.

ఆధారము adharamu, s. A prop ; support ; aid ; protection. 2. A recep- tacle, location.

ఆదిపత్యము adhipatyamu, s. Government. 2. Authority,

ఆధేయము adheyamu, adj. Placed ; deposited.

ఆన ana, 5. An oath. 2. An adjura- tion. 3. A protestation. 4. A citation on the part, or in the name of the Government, to arrest any one, or to oblige one to come to justice. ఆనబెట్టు anabettu, To adjure.

ఆనతి anati, s. An order. 2. Permission, leave.

ఆనతిచ్చు anatitstsu, v. a. To say, tell, or relate ; applied to superiors addressing inferiors.

ఆనవాలు anavain, 5. A mark or token. 2. Boiled milk.

ఆను anu, v. n. To lean, rest or recline upon. 2. To bear. 3. To drink, ఆనించు anintsu, v. a. To cause to lean, rest, or recline upon. 2. To place against a wall &c. ఆనిక anika, s. A prop. ఆనుకొను anukonu, v. Comp. To lean, rest, or recline upon.

ఆనుడుబిళ్ల anudubilla, 5. A semi-circular pillow.

ఆనుపూర్వకము anupurvakamu, s. Order, method.

ఆనులు anulu, s. Plu. Naik of iron &c.

ఆపత్తు, ఆపద apattu, apada, s. Calamity, misfortune, adversity. 2. Danger, peril.

ఆపు apu, v. a. vide ఆచు atsu.

ఆపు apu, s. An obstacle, or prevention. 2. An arrest. 3. Watching oardens or field*, vide ఆగు agu, and ఆచు tits a.