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48 TEK YEAES LATER. which set fire to, rather than illuminated, the gate by which Havre is entered, and which is situated close to the tower of Francis I. The comte, remarking the woe-begane ex- pression of Mauicamp's face, could not resist laughing. "Well, my poor Manicamp," he exclaimed, "how violet you look; are you in mourning?" "Yes," replied Manicamp; "I am in mourning." "For whom, or for what?" "For my blue-and-gold suit, which has disappeared, and in place of which I could find nothing but this; and I was even obliged to economize, from compulsion, in order to get possession of it." "Indeed?" "It is singular you should be astonished at that, since you leave me without any money." "At all events, here you are, and that is the principal thing." "By the most horrible roads." "Where are you lodging?" "Lodging?" "Yes." "I am not lodging anywhere." De Guiche began to laugh. "Well," said he, where do you intend to lodge?" "In the same place you do." "But I don't know." "What do you mean by saying you don't know?" "Certainly, how is it likely I should know where I should stay?" "Have you not retained a hotel?" "I?" "Yes, you or the prince." "Neither of us has thought of it. Havre is of consider- able size, I suppose; and provided I can get a stable for a dozen horses and a suitable house in a good quarter " "Certainly, there are some very excellent houses." "Well, then " "But not for us." "What do you mean by saying not for us? For whom,- then?" "For the En2:lish, of course." "For the English?" "Yes; the houses are all taken." "By whom?" "By the Duke of Buckingham."