Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/339

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.gz erre. Fdl. N o The Orkl men, a? it happen'd, had forefi?ht enough to bar up their gates before the apl>roach%f the mob: butthis would not long have�e?'ur'd them 'from being forced ope n, if one of the gentilemen o.f ?� college had not fir!d upon the mob from window, and wormtied a gownfman of Brazen-iVoj?. 'The mob, under the terror of this dangerous and ? refitartec, retreated l'rom oriel, and con. tented themfelves for the reit of the night with breaking of windows ranfacldng the houtes of dif. featers? pulling down, and letting fire to their meet. ?i?ho?, and doing the molt extravagant mil- l that foingenious and learned amob could con- The next day the Vice-cMncellor and Heads of bottles were af?mbled in Golgotha, to conrider ot = ways and means for difcovering the authors of the tumults, and for bringing them to condign guni? merit. Without much debate it was unanimoufly refolved, that certain turbulent fcholars, called by the name of the ?ditution-dub, were the caufe of all the mifchiefs dillurbances that had happen'd: for, as the honeit vice-chancellor mo/[ wifely rea. fort'd, if the ?nflit#tio?-dub had not been at the ta- ?emthe twenty eighth of May, the mob would not have ro�e to have broke the Windows, and to do , thole things that were done ? therefore (continued thi? worthy magiRrate) the confiitutien.�l?tJ is �werable for all ihat has been done. This condufion being allow'd to be a ?:If:�vident ? the members of the confiitutim-elu6 were fmtfi?, and examined upon oath by the vice-chan- cellor. Betide, the members of the club, fiveral tiemen, who were not members of it, appear'd voluntarily before the 'vt.te-ebancelkr,/and depos d -that they happen'd to be m the 1treet when the mob affwalted-the-ronfiitution-du$i that the .gentlemen of the dub gave no manito' of Foyocauoa to the mob