Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/340

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N O 'err,e-ilius. xz3 rnob? and that thel? all left the tavern before ain? a.clock at night. The reful-t of there examinations and depofition, was this: both the members o[ the club, and th? neffohs who hd voluntarily depo�ed.any thing your of thole members, were put into the chancellor's court, and proceeded againf? as Rioters. ?.fcer a troublefome profecution, which la?d above a year, and put the confiitutio?.dub to more than an hundred pounds exFence, they were found guilty of: king at a tavern on the?wenty eighth of May; but were ae?tuitted of the Riot. A .full and e?a& account of the proceedings the uni.verfity in this affair, and of the many dilloyal and treafonabk praCtices, which both the grea? gownlinen, and the froall, had been guilty of, fent up * * * * * *. But * * * *. In this part of the hittory of the tonflitufiion. elub, it ought not to be omitted, that whilf? the profecu. t. i0n {va? c?t ing on in the vice-chancellor's court, the clutiful and obfequious grand Jury O f Oxfird]hir?, at the affizes for the county, mad? a formalpreterit.. ment of the confiitutiomrs. as a let of factious men, "who, fhrouding themfelve? under the �peciou? ?' name ot? the to?fiitutio?-el?, were enemies to "monar?hy? and allg00dg0vernment, and had been tM "a?thors? of all the tumult, and diforders that ha?l "happened in the city ?r county.of Ox?rd." ' No'} were the courts of ju!tice the onlr places which the eonflitutioner$ met with unjufl: and fcan dabus ufat?e: St. Mary's, Golgot?, the Theatre, ?omtio?.ho-ul'e, and/cbools, eccho'd with inve?ves andanathem�sagaint! them. Themoft fcurrilou? re- tie&ion, on them were conttantly thrown out in the Lent.n, trfis, �ermons, declamations, andall other pub- lick exercifes. Even thole graver tools, the l?-.C -.. tad P.--r?,to enliven thdr?u!lharangues, andgain th? ap?laufe o? the tabor?uate rabble, neve? f?l'd, in