Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/349

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APPENDIX. ?ithaut the lea?e of thtir refitglide Governor? ?r Chancellor q'tht univer?ty f? the time ?eing, under the p?a!ty'of forty billings, for the adm?a,? of ?t? ?eOn, to be exa?ed of the Governor of tl?e to&?t or haK into ?hich he is) admitted. - You Mve, Sir, with g?t atturaq? and fome- wht more pains thn I ?nk w=e neceffa?, ex- phiu? the mean?g and d?gn of this flatutei which, in a few words, was evidently this, Wo (ecure the difcip?ne of the uni,t?ty, and prevent tht'!chohrs ?mblin ?om one college or hall to g . . ?th?, upon every fight pretence, or ?dle fllegati- on, und? fuch ?enalty, a, was then judged fu?cient for this ?d: and inde? the fiatute has been thought [o effedual, ev= fince the ?tmtion which it received ?om Archbi?op Lat?, tMt yea are the fir? perfen, as ? as Imn lmrn, who has complained, fince that time, of its deferirene. As to the main, I rodiiy ? with you, that ifthis?atute ?ould come to be ?enerMIy unob?ed, or duded, ?nd fcholars .be w? to waMer ?om one college to another, u - on ev? filly wNm, or httle d?fgu?, ?t would be of v?y bad confequmce to I?ming in general, per- hps eyre fo Md? that, as you expre? it in very flrong toms, the * Umveus?.w it leg ?ould not a ?rop? ?&ct ?r the'education afyouth. But i do not fee the 1? danger of fuch a gmer? negle? or ?luf?i for, notwit?aading all the pans you have token to prove this, an3 ?ew the ill con,quinces whkh wo? rffult from it, you bye not been able to$ pr?u? but on? inflance of its being ?vaded, 1owNg it to be tb in ?t ca?, and you feem to ?ow?ge tht eyre then, II. there =as fuch a flit madt a?ut it, ?nt you believe it =i? never b? done again; �fo, to what putpole have you put yo?

  • l'age-?. I Page ?x?. [ Ibid,