Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/350

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APPENDIX. fdf to fo much trouble to prevent the bad confe- ??nees of a thing, which, according to your confeffion, is never likely to h??pen again !-- How?- ever, Sir, fince you think it a point of fuch impor- tance, not only5 to the II advanceme?t of'learning, and the v/edit of. the uni?erfit),, but to the benefit of all mankind, to have this 1t&ute amended, I will con- rider your arguments upon that head !omewhat mor? largely. It �eem$ then, that in * ./lea-Term, ?'!'-?. Mr. lrilliam Seaman (by. you called t'Mlliam Seaman) of Bart-flail, having m vain applied t.o your t'elh as l'rinei?.?l, and afterwards to the !/ice chancellor for a 'dil?e?t, he was, inMi?haelmas-Term following, ad- mitted commoner in Oriel College by Mr. ?owles, in contravention to the thtute aforefiid. . What reafon Mr.. Seama? might have to &fire ha? dif?e?t, or how the matter impartially Rood be- tween you, I cannot tell, being perreedy unacquaint- ed with the Gentleman, or the 1tate of his ate, any farther than by hear-/iy ? but, taking it to be exa&!lr as you have reprefentcd it, I do not fee any gr. ound? l?r fo grievous a complaint as you have made about it ? for whatever his reafon might be for deftring to remove, it appears, by your own conceffion, that he took the regular method appoint by fiatme, to ob- tain leave ?br �o doing ? firit, by applying to you as hi? Governor i and when that failed of fuccdi, he ltruck hi? name, it feems, out of your toodeftly withdrew into the country, (feemingly un- willing to difoblige you, by going direttly to ano- ther college)and returning f�me a.f'rerwards to Ox]3rd, he applied to the !,?e.chancello?, as the cute farther direcqed i but bein fo unhap y as to �g P meet with a repulfe from h?m too, and the caufeof his deftring to remove Rill rubtilting, Mr. l?o?vles mitred