Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/394

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APPENDIX. and becoming my ?o'-adjutor? at a time, when thought that every body had deferred me in the cauf? of virtue and R?formati?n..I have long boured by my /'elf under the weight of calumny upon this account i and it is very kind of you 1tep in, e?,en thus late, to my relief, and tak? half of the burthen upon ),our �elf. The only re- turn that I can ?romife to make is, that as you lm, ed. efpi/?d the comforts of eafe, plenty, and tranqmlity? to fupport me i fo I will, upon all oco carlons, (as far as truth and reaj3n will allow me} fxcrifice my time, and even my reputation to tirve you: at prefent I can do no more than affix the ,gum of what you have written, with there Re- marks upon it, to the end of my book on the fame fubjecq:, that they may live together to all polterity, and be mutual aid, and juttifieations of each other. ' I con}eft, Sir, I am at: a 1o�s to j. udge whethe? the univerfity, affembled in tonvocation, will think fir to return you their thanks, in due form, ?or the pro?Ol you have made to them? or, order your book to be burnt, as a libel upon their tute$ and dicit?line? but I [hall impatiently wait for the iffue of their contultations, having the jufle.? teafort in the world to expect, that m perfor- 'Y. . mance will meet with the fame fate, whcthe? be for its honour, or for its difhon?ur. Our cafes, Sir, are to exa&ly parallel, that I have borrowed a pall'age out of your book, entitled, gn(verfity Education, for a motto to T?rr?-Filim: again, part of your ?otto �ervcs full a? ?p?ofite- ly for an head-Feice to this ,'lpi?endixi and I mutt take the liberty to tondudt in the tame manner that you eond?del which I chufe to do? becaut? the words are exae"tly applicable to my care. well as yours, and are far more fg#rati? and me. t??horieal than I can fupply. I ?' * "For