Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/395

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17g A PPEi DI X. ?" For there f?r years that I ha?/e undertak? "tl?e Reformation of the t?o unive?ties, I have "?med to my gf to have N< ?alking through "a large field of } Briars and Thorn% in hopes "of arriving at a beautiful country beyond it; of "which, at my firff ?tting out, I'thought I had "a yet n?ar prot?&' but, goM God ! with w?at "weaq fieps, w?th w?t bardflru?le, w?th what "exueme h?z?rd of 1ofing ev?y Rag of cloaths ' off my back, ?ve I tofi'd and fweat, to get "thro?h tNs horrid brake t the thicket impene- "trable t the p?th untrod! I have been teiz'd, "p??!ex'd, prick'd, firatch'? torn, wounded, di?- "gur'd I No f?n= have I been able to d?mgage "my fell on one fide, than I have been entangkd "on the other. In the mid? of this perplexity ? and di?efi, nothing kept up my fp?nts more, than an =rne? dq;?e of do:rig the good ?at "was tcfo? me i a thorough ?eOafion of the "[ncrefiSdn? of Perfe?erance, ?d an utter con- "t%mpt"of the unr?Oneble opp?tion I met with: "for I confidered that it =oti onl t ?om Briart "and ?t,. which, however the? might ? p?- s' mirted, for a w?e, ? triumph in ?ctain?g a "little Page zc6, Alluding to ttmt pafl?ge in our. excellent tiaatiler, eartb? at ?an ?i?g f?tb Jut weeds, nettle?, bramble{, ?9. feco? ? of ?c ?rI of ?an. This ?11e?my ? ?ed by rome ?rfons, ro contain a fecret fa?e ?on ? gentSmen ct E?t? college, v{?. Mr. ?hra,