Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/404

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INDEX. lraufiui (Dr.) his fpeech in Gdgotba, I. t;? his refpe& for his man, I. 7x

Fen (Mr.) Dr. Lime. KiMs fcrvant, a great favourite

of his mailer, I. ? ? Fe?ws, of colleges, an account of them, II. Y3 Fleetwood (bithop) tome obfervations on his book called Chronicon preciofi?m, I. ? z Dotmen of the Oxford headq f0me account of them, Foppery (academical) a &fcription of it, I 9at 2Free-Thinker? Terr?'xvilius one, 1. 9 Free-Speaker which is called daring and impious at Oxjbrd, Ierippe?y (Valentine) his letter to his character, Terra-Filius, tl. 93 lI. 9+ G? 6amlng, the flatute againft it, II. the wifdom of it, lb. 6---d?r (Dr.) preaches agalnil Terra-I*ilius at Ox- obfervations upon it, I. ?entl?mtn-?ommoner?, how negkOed at Ox[ord, i. 47 confirmed by Dr. 1genston, 1I. ?74 his matriculation, a poem, II. 60