Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/405

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'gg I N D E X. George (King) a gentleman of Merton. Cdlege put into the Black Book, for drinking his health, I. 3z and obliged to plead the benefit of the nexe a? o[ grace. to obtain his d?gree, I. lb. a large account of that affair, I. t z 3 &o. his title, I. 76 infulted by a progtor in his fpeech, I. 80 and in mof? [ermo?s, declamations, &c. I. ib. ?rficularly in a germon prcach'd by Mr. the oath of aI/egiance to him often evaded at Ox?rd, I. ? 5, 94, ?oo Golgotha, at Oxfor 4 rome account of it, I. 5'9 news from thence, I. 175' Guit3?ons (Dr.) a benefac2or to at. ?eohn's-College, !ta3its (l?hol?fiick) the tlate concerning theml ]I. ?o? Hart-Ha//, the method of living there, II. I?eads, of colleges compared to the South-Sea di- rerors, I. 6? the charge againf[ them, ii67 ou ht to be examined, 68 g the definition of one, their method o? keeping ramkind in ignoo rance, I. the chara?er of one, II Dr. Newton's opinion of them? II. x6z h';gI?4%urcb, how tup?orted, I[. 1 I-li./to?y (�l?rendon'O the money got by its imprcf- fion em?z?k? I. ?9 how cxcuf?!; I. 20