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Abbe de l'Epee.—"Priest," followed by the sign for "Sword."

Absolution (Sacramental).—Blessed, forgiveness.

Abstinence.—The upward pointing thumb of the right "A" hand is drawn over the mouth from left to right. XXIX, 427.

Adam.—The thumb point of the closed right hand is thrown up and touched to the right side of the forehead.

Advent.—Jesus, approaching, time.

Adore.—The open palms from both sides of the head are brought in an attitude of prayer, while the head bows reverently. XXIX, 428.

Advocate.—Prayer, friend.

Altar (for Mass)—Mass, table.

Angelus.—Angel, prayer.

Apostles.—Twelve, sent.

Archbishop.—Right "A" hand is raised to about the level of the forehead. Follow with the sign for "Bishop." (Chief-bishop.)

Ash Wednesday.—Draw a cross on the forehead with the closed tips of the "9" hand. XXIX, 429.

Atonement.—Penance-offer, or the signs for "Make" and "Satisfaction." XXIX, 430.

Baptism.—The "W" hand is tilted over the head as if pouring water.

Benediction (of the Blessed Sacrament).—With both hands closed as if holding the "Monstrance," trace the form of a cross. XXIX, 431.

Bethlehem.—Jesus, birth, city.

Bible.—Holy Book. New Testament.—New Holy Book. Old Testament.—Old Holy Book.

Bishop.—The third finger is carried to the lips as if kissing the ring. XXIX, 432.

Brother (Religious).—Trace a falling collar on the breast with the separated thumb and index finger of the right hand. XXIX, 433.

Candlemas.—Blessed, candle, day.