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Cardinal.—Red, bishop.

Catechism.—Catholic, truth, book.

Charity.—Same as "Love."

Christmas.—Jesus, birth, day.

Church.—The "C" hand rests on the back of the closed left hand, i. e., built on a rock. XXIX, 433½.

Communion (Holy).—Make the sign for "Eucharist" and then with the right index finger touch the breast over the heart.

Communion (of Saints).—Same as "Union."

Conceived.—Received, life.

Confession (Sacramental).—Same as "Penance" Sacrament).

Confirmation.—A cross is traced on the forehead with the thumb of the open right hand, followed by a slight blow with the right palm on the right cheek. XXIX, 434.

Contrition.—Same as "Sorrow."

Crucifix.—"Jesus" and a cross made before you by crossing the index fingers. XXIX, 435.

Crucify.—The touching of the left palm with the right index finger is followed by a hammering blow on the left palm with the right "S" hand. Repeat the same for the other hand and extend both arms. XXIX, 436.

Dispensation.—Law, excuse.

Disciples.—Followers of Jesus.

Easter.—Both "E" hands are held downwards and then by a twist of the wrist they are turned upwards and raised. XXIX, 439.

Ephpheta.—A St. Andrew's Cross is traced with the outward right "E" hand in space before the body, as on a banner. XXIX, 437.

Eternity.—The outward right "E" hand traces successive verticle circles.

Evangelist (Writer of the Gospels).—Holy, writer.

Eve.—The thumb point of the right "A" hand is thrown upwards and touches the right cheek, indicating the first woman. XXIX, 438.

Examination (of Conscience).—With the right "E" hand facing you, trace small circles on the forehead and follow with the sign for "Conscience." XXIX, 440.

Extreme Unction.—With the thumb of the right "A" hand trace a cross on the eyelids. XXIX, 441.