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Who.—Purse the lips as in pronouncing "who," then pointing the forefinger at the mouth, a few inches away, move the end of the finger around in a circle. As interrogative, express inquiry on face or make "?" in air with forefinger. II, 18.

That (as a relative), Which.—Place left hand in position of making "L" in front of you, pointing toward the right; place end of right forefinger on end of left, and then turn it up and back to touch the thumb, thus indicating the fact that it refers to an antecedent. II, 19.

That (demonstrative pronoun).—Make "Y" with the right hand, and holding left hand out, palm up, throw the "Y" upon it; the sign may be without throwing "Y" upon the left hand but holding the "Y" of either hand out a little way, give a slight jerking or throwing motion to the hand at the wrist, toward imaginary object, moving the arm the least bit. II, 20.

Note: This is a very useful sign and is used to designate the identical person or thing spoken of, previously referred to; and it may be interpreted to mean "just so," "that's it," "the same," and takes the place of an habitual expression used as an interposition by one listening, to encourage the speaker, or denote interest in what is being said.

Whom.—Same as "who" but is sometimes expressed by "who" followed by the sign for the demonstrative "that," or the sign for "him," omitting the male sign.

Whose.—Sign for "who" followed by possessive sign.

What.—Hold left hand in front of you, with palm toward you, fingers pointing to right and held apart; place the end of the right forefinger on that of left forefinger, and then draw it down across the other fingers. Or,

(2) Hold right forefinger poised at a slight angle, then shake it from side to side as in shaking a rattle.

Note: The first sign is preferable; when used as an interrogative, express inquiry on the face or make a question mark in the air.

Whatever, Whoever, etc.—Make sign for desired pronoun, then add sign for "any."

Any.—Place "A" hand over toward left side and draw it quickly over to the right side, the while giving it an ague-like shaking motion. II, 21.

Anything.—Usually made the same as "any." Or,

(2) Make sign for "any" and add "thing."