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Thing.—Hold open hand in front of you as if holding something between thumb and fingers; hand pointed toward the left; drop the hand slightly, repeating the motion as the hand is drawn back toward the right side.

Any one.—Same as for "any," then add sign for "male" or "female." II, 17. Or,

(2) Hold forefinger pointing up, back of hand down, fingers and thumb closed over palm, move hand from side to side.

Some.—Draw the right open hand toward you across the end of the left open hand, hold palm up, describing a curved mark on the palm with the little finger edge.

Some one.—Same as for "any one."

Something.—Sign for "some" and "thing."

Every.—Place left "A" hand in front of you, the end of the thumb pointing out; with right "A" hand and a striking motion bring backs of the fingers of right hand down or against the back of the thumb of the left; repeat this motion with thumbs pointing first at one and then another imaginary person in a short semi-circle. (Some might add sign for "all.") II, 23.

Each.—Same as "every" but add "1."

Both.—With the left hand, grasp the right "V" hand at the back of the fingers and draw the "V" down and out, as you close the left hand upon them.

Such.—Make sign for "same" (with forefinger of each hand extended straight out, bring them together in front of you, parallel); then sign for "that" as demonstrative pronoun.

Either.—Close left hand, except thumb and forefinger which are extended and pointed upward, or inclined slightly toward self; touch first the thumb and then the forefinger with the forefinger of the right hand; bring both "A" hands away opposite each other, lowering and raising them alternately like a see-saw, to indicate "one or the other." II, 24.

Neither.—Same as for "either," but prefix or follow with sign for "not," i. e., passing open right palm across open left hand, both turned downward, or raise "A" hand to chin and throw downward.

None.—Make sign for "any one" then "nothing" (lift "O" to mouth without touching, then quickly throw it off; in the meantime open the hand and throw out the fingers).