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Jealous, Envy, etc.—Bite the end of the forefinger. To express specifically the idea of envy as different from jealousy make sign for jealous, look toward imaginary object and make sign for want; i. e., reach out hands as if ready to receive something, fingers in grasping position upward, and draw toward self. V. 93, 94.

Good-bye.—Place fingers of open hand on the lips and throw out hand as if throwing a kiss. The same sign is used indiscriminately to greet one, thank one, and bid farewell; the circumstances indicate the meaning. V. 96.

Hungry.—Bring up hand with fingers and thumb slightly bent, the ends against the breast; draw downward, the ends of fingers and thumbs against breast, to indicate a gnawing sensation. This sign is used to indicate strong desire for anything when followed by sign for "want." V, 95.

Feet hurt.—Strike the heart with the end of the middle finger of the right "5" hand bent in toward the palm. Sometimes the hand is withdrawn and "flipped" downward.

Sympathy.—Make sign for "feel," then by a contraction of the sign for agree, bring the hands together as in "with."

Avaricious.—Scrape the left palm with hand held out with the fingers of the right, adding the sign for money—an "itching palm."

Anxious.—The half open left "bent" hand is held breast high and the palm scraped by the fingers of the right. Or express the idea by a combination of other signs, like "feel a strong desire."

Faith, Confidence, Trust.—Place the end of the right "G" finger at center of forehead (or on lips) as in "believe," then lifting left open hand outward and upward, hang the right hand on it by the end of the fingers. Or,

Instead of bringing the hands together as described, raise both slightly toward the left, upward, with the left higher than the right, and make motion of firmly grasping something held toward you.

Patient.—Place the end of the right "G" hand on the lips, press and at the same time bow the head as if in resignation; repeat latter motion once or twice.

Differ, Disagree.—Place the end of the right "G" hand at center of forehead as in "think," then bring the right hand down and the left "G" hand up and out toward the left, bringing the two sharply to a stop with ends of fingers directly opposite, that is, pointing toward each other—at "dagger's points."

Belong to.—Link the two "O" hands and add sign of possession, or "your."