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At the Elevation of the Host.

Most adorable body, I adore Thee with all the powers of my soul. Lord, who hast given Thyself entire to us, grant we may become entirely Thine.

The same eternal Word, who brought all things at first out of nothing; He that said: "Let there be light," and there was light; "Let the earth bring forth its fruits," and it was so: the same eternal Word now says, This is My body; and speaks it from the highest heavens, at this very moment, by the voice of His servant.

At the Elevation of the Chalice.

Most adorable blood, that washest away all our sins, I adore Thee. Happy we, if we can return our life and blood for Thine.

After the Elevation.

It is now, O Lord, with grateful hearts we call to mind the sacred mysteries of Thy passion and death, Thy resurrection and ascension. Here is Thy body that was broken; here is Thy blood that was shed for us, of which these exterior signs are but the figures, and yet in reality contain the substance. It is now we truly offer Thee, O Lord, that pure and Holy Victim which Thou hast been pleased to give us; of which all the other sacrifices were but so many types and fig-