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ures. As with a favorable eye Thou hast regarded the sacrifices of Abel, of Abraham, and Melchisedec, look likewise on ours; for however weak our faith may be, yet our sacrifice is greater than theirs, and the only one worthy of Thy heavenly altar.

Almighty God, who art infinitely good, look not on our sins, but on the infinite ransom paid for them. And now, whilst it is offered on our altars here below, do Thou receive it on Thy altar above; here from our hands, but there, from the angel of Thy great council, that eternal Priest, who is himself both priest and Victim, all in Thee, as Thou art all in him. Bless all those who here partake of this holy sacrifice.

At the Memento for the Dead.

I offer Thee again, O Lord, this holy sacrifice of the body and blood of Thy only Son in behalf of the faithful departed, and, in particular for the souls of N. N., for my parents, relations, benefactors, and neighbors; likewise of such as I have anyways injured, or been the occasion of their sins; of such as have injured me, and been my enemies; of such as die in war, or have none to pray for them, etc. For these and all others, as many as are yet in the state of penance, waiting for their discharge, we be-