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4. The choice of these practices, which are to be found in the second part of this book, may be made in the following manner.

Let there be as many billets folded up as there are persons who compose this association: on the inside of each of these must be wrote some particular practice. The whole being mixed together, each draws one billet for himself, and engages himself to offer up on the Fridays of the following month, to the Sacred Heart, that practice which has fallen to his lot.

5. The choice must be made regularly on the last Thursday of the expiring month, or on the following Thursday.

6. Every associate should have in his house or chamber, a picture of the Sacred Heart. The advantage amongst others is this: should any one in particular be hindered from visiting the blessed Sacrament, he may before this picture acquit himself of the obligation he has involuntarily taken upon himself. Jesus Christ has given us an instance and proof of how great merit this practice is in his sight. Of this truth the