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renerable mother Mary Margaret is a witness, as appears in her life, wrote at large, 1729, by that learned and illustrious Prelate, Joseph Latiguet, at that time Bishop of Soissons, and promoted afterwards to the Archbishopric of Sens. Our blessed Redeemer spoke to her, as is related in the said life, as follows:

“ I am much pleased with the devotion the faithful show for my heart, and for this reason I desire the picture thereof may be drawn and exposed, that by this so amiable a representation the hearts of men may be softened into repentance. I promise that such as, in a more particular manner, honour this picture, shall partake more amply of those graces with which my heart is replenished.”

7. The virtues of the greatest estimation, as most dear to the Sacred Heart of Jesus among the associates, must ever be Meekness and Humility , and the vices opposite to these must be held in equal detestation.