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decrees, viz., by one of the 7th of February, 1732; another of the 28th March, ditto; and a third of the 12th of June, 1736, granted many favours and privileges to our Arch-confraternity of the Sacred Heart; and among the rest has empowered it to unite and associate to itself any particular confraternity of the Sacred Heart, extant any where out of Rome, and to impart to it all and every indulgence, grant, or release of the canonical penance due to sins, that has at any time been heretofore granted to this our Arch-confraternity, by his said Holiness.

And whereas a confraternity of the Sacred Heart, erected in the church or domestic chapel of the English Fathers of the society of Jesus, at Bruges, has applied to us, through its solicitor in Rome, Signor Joseph Monionelli, in order to obtain leave to be thus associated to ours, and to share in all its privileges and grants; we have thought fit, considering the many good works of piety, penance, and charity, performed in that confraternity at Bruges, (which as to all essentials is modelled