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upon the same plan as ours,) to unite and associate it to our Arch-confraternity, pursuant to the power given us for this purpose by the Holy See; and we grant to it and its members all the indulgences and particular favours mentioned in the Pope’s briefs, still keeping within the terms of the decree of Clement VIII. which directs such associations and communications of spiritual treasures.

Moreover, besides the indulgence and special favours set down in the abovem-entioned Papal grant, we impart to the said Confraternity a share in all the masses, prayers, mortifications, pilgrimages, and other good works performed throughout the whole world by the several religious orders of Benedictions, Bernardins, Dominicans, Franciscans, Carmelites, Theatins, and Fathers of the Society of Jesus, pursuant to the power we have received thereunto from the superiors of the said orders, as may be seen in the authentic deeds belonging to our Arch-confraternity, and lodged in our archives.