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received it, I must conform to the wise regulations of the Holy See, by declaring that I deliver it only as an historical fact, well enough grounded to deserve the assent and belief of the faithful. I speak of it as the revelation of Saint Juliana, which gave occasion to the festival of the Body oj Christ , as was spoken of at the time. I claim no other authenticity for it, than was formerly allowed the revelations of Saint Magdalen de Pazzi, and St. Catherine of Sienna, &c., before they were canonized. Having made this declaration, I proceed to the revelation itself.

On a certain, day, that had fallen within the octave of Corpus Christie Jesus Christ appeared to the mother, Mary Margaret, a holy nun in the convent of the visitation of our Blessed Lady at Paroy, in the province of Burgundy, and spoke thus to her: — "You cannot festify your love for me better, than by doing what I have so often asked at thy hands; (here disclosing his sacred heart,) he said Behold this heart, which has loved mankind so tenderly, and spared