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nothing, even to the wasting and consuming itself, in testimony of its love; and yet in return I generally meet with nothing but ingratitude, contempt, sacrileges, irreverences, and coldness even in the very sacrament of my love; and what still more sensibly affects me is, that I receive this usage from hearts peculiarly consecrated to my service. Wherefore I demand of thee, that the first Friday after the octave of the blessed sacrament, be consecrated to a special feast in honour of my heart; that a solemn reparation of honour, and a public act of atonement, be offered to it on that day, and holy commonion received, with an intention to repair by it, as far as possible, all the injuries and affronts it has received when exposed on the altars; (t and I promise it shall dilate itself to pour profusely the gifts of divine love on all such persons as shall pay to it this homage, and induce others to the performance of the same religious office. Address thyself to my servant N. and bid him from