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of thy commandments, hereafter. I resolve to keep a more strict watch over myself; to correct my faults and evil habits; to attend more diligently to my duties; and to avoid more carefully all sin, and all temptations and occasions of sin.

But without thy assistance, O Lord, there is no strength in man. "Thou, therefore, who makest me to will that which is good, give me also the power to perform it. Give what thou commandest, and command what thou wilt, that I may live soberly, righteously, and piously in this world, and praise thee for ever with thy saints in the world to come.

Despise not, O Lord, my petitions, for thine infinite mercies' sake, but accept this my evening sacrifice, and let it ascend as incense in thy sight.

And you, my holy patrons, pray for me. Thou first, O holy Virgin, mother of my God; thou too, my angel guardian; and ye, my chosen patrons, N. and N., and all ye heavenly citizens, angels, and saints, who praise God unceasingly, even while we sleep; take me under your protection, and commend me to God; that I may be protected from all the snares of our enemies, who are ever ready to hurt us while we sleep.

7. Intercession.

O Lord God, grant us an increase of faith, hope, and charity. Root out from among us all sin and vice, infidelity, dissensions, and erroneous opinions. Reprove the wandering; correct the unbelieving; shew to all in schism the light of thy grace, and restore them to the unity of thy Church. Preserve the pastors and rulers of thy Church, and all kings, princes, and rulers in the same, from all adversities, both of mind and body, Give to all sinners true repentance. Preserve the just in righteousness; establish all their thoughts, words and works for good. Confirm all who are dedicated to thy name in their holy resolutions. Have mercy upon all, O Lord. Give food to those who labour; comfort those who are oppressed with sorrow; heal the sick; supply the necessities of the needy; give a safe return to all