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who travel, whether by land or sea; grant liberty to the captive; and consolation to all women labouring with child.

Forgive all who have sinned with me, or whom I have led into sin. Repay a hundred-fold with good all whom I have injured, offended, or scandalised. Direct in the way of salvation all my relations and friends (my parents, brothers, sisters, &c.); all who pray for me, all who have commended themselves to my prayers, all who think kindly of me. Hear them, O Lord, when they cry unto thee in any tribulation.

Bestow perpetual charity both on us and on our enemies. May all be filled with patience, kindness, and mercifulness. May envy, hatred, and all bitterness, be put away. Have mercy, also, O merciful Father, on all who sleep in Christ, especially on [my parents], and those with whom I have been familiarly acquainted. Eternal rest give to them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.

O eternal Father, I beseech thee, by the life and death of thy beloved Son, and by the bowels of thy mercies, grant that I may persevere unto the end in good works, and die in thy grace.

O good Jesus, I beseech thee, by the love of the eternal Father, and by the last words with which thou didst commend thy Spirit to him upon the cross, receive my soul at my last hour.

O Holy Spirit, have mercy on me, and by thy holy inspiration strengthen me always, but especially at the hour of my death.

O most holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on me now and at the hour of my death. Amen.


O blest Creator

As fades the glowing orb.

The shadows of the evening hours

Sweet Saviour, bless us

Now with the fast-departing light

O thou true life

The west'ring sun roils down

The sun is sinking fast