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Jesus, make me constant in faith, hope, and charity, with continuance in all virtues, and resolution not to offend thee.

Make the memory of thy passion, and of those bitter pains thou sufferedst for me, sustain my patience, and refresh me in all tribulations and adversity.

Make me ever hold fast the doctrines of thy holy Catholic Church, and be a diligent frequenter of all holy duties.

Let no false delight of this deceitful world blind me, no fleshly temptation or fraud of the devil shake my heart:

My heart, which has for ever set up its rest in thee; and is resolved to give up all things for thy eternal reward.

Have mercy on all sinners, &c.

"Our Lord Jesus Christ humbled himself, becoming obedient unto death, even the death of the cross." Phil. ii. 8.

Hear these my petitions, O most merciful Saviour, and grant me thy grace to frequently to repeat and consider them, that they may prove easy steps, whereby my soul may climb up to the knowledge, love, and performance of my duty to thee and to my neighbour, through the whole course of my life. Amen.

Our Father, &c.

Hail Mary, &c.

I believe in God, &c.

Part II.

"At the name of Jesus," &c. Phil. ii. 10, 11, as before.

Sixth Petition.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, -> enlighten me with spiritual wisdom.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,

Jesus, enlighten me with, spiritual wisdom, to know thy goodness, and all those things which are most acceptable to thee.

Grant me a clear apprehension of my only good, and discretion to order my life according to it.

Grant that I may wisely proceed from virtue to virtue, till at length I arrive at the clear vision of thy glorious Majesty.