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Permit me not, dear Lord, to return to those sins for which. I have sorrowed, and; of which I have purged myself by confession.

Grant me grace to benefit the souls of others by my good example, and to convert those by good counsel who have used me ill.

Have mercy on all sinners, &c.

Seventh Petition.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, --> grant me grace to fear thee
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,

Jesus, grant me grace inwardly to fear thee, and to avoid all occasions of offending thee.

Let the threats of the torments which shall befal sinners, the fear of losing thy love and thy heavenly inheritance, ever keep me in awe.

Let me not dare to remain in sin, but call me soon to repentance ; lest through thine anger the dreadful sentence of endless death and damnation fall upon me.

May the powerful intercession of thy blessed Mother and all the safety and, above all, thy Own merits and mercy, O my Saviour, be ever between thy avenging justice and me.

Enable me, O my God, to work out my salvation with fear and trembling ; and may the apprehension of thy sacred judgments render me a more humble and diligent suitor at the throne of grace.

Have mercy on all sinners, &c.

Eighth Petition.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus ---> grant me grace truly to love thee.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus

Jesus, grant me grace truly to love thee for thy infinite goodness, and those great bounties I have received, and hope for ever to receive, from thee;

Let the remembrance of thy kindness and patience conquer the malice and evil inclinations of my perverse nature.

Let the consideration of my many deliverances, and