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An Exercise


O my blessed Jesus, I adore thee, bright and beautiful in thy Resurrection ; I adore thee in all the mysteries of thy Risen Life on earth, and in all the majesty and loveliness of thy most dear Soul and glorified Body, as seen and worshipped in heaven at this hour. I acknowledge thee to be my Lord and my God: I bless thee for thy sweet victory over death, and for thy faithful love in retaining thy five holy Wounds, wherewith we sinners wounded thee on earth. Grant, I beseech thee, O my dearest Jesus, that I may so often and so tenderly meditate upon thee Risen and Glorified, that my heart may become daily more and more inflamed with love of thee, so that thy beauty may make the world dull and intolerable, and I may thirst exceedingly with pure and disinterested love for the hour when thou shalt admit me to behold thee as thou art, my dearest Lord, at this very moment on thy throne in heaven; who livest and reignest, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.

I believe, &c.

O Queen of Heaven and earth, Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, conceived without stain of original sin, and gloriously crowned in heaven, I desire with all the love of my poor heart to congratulate thee on those wonderful joys which thou didst and dost enjoy in the glory and splendour of Jesus Risen, from that first dawn when he appeared to thee in thy sorrow even to the present hour ; and I beseech thee to accept this my devotion to thy maternal joys, and to obtain for me an increase of love to Jesus in this world, and in the world to come the never-fading light of his most blessed countenance. Amen.

Hail Mary.