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O glorious and affectionate St. Joseph Foster-father of Jesus and Spouse of Mary , by the joy at thy meeting with Jesus in the place of departed spirits, and by the joy thou hast this hour in thy nearness to his risen beauty and most sweet splendour, present unto him, I beseech thee, O my dear father and protector, this my devotion to the mysteries of his Risen Life; and as he spared thee the bitterness of His sacred Passion, obtain for me the peace of his Resurrection and the gift of spiritual joy, that I may find no Joy but in God, and in Jesus, Mary, and thyself. Amen

Our Father.

V. Pray for us, O holy angels of God, alleluia.

R. That we may be made worthy of the vision of Jesus Glorified, alleluia.

O Eternal Father, who of thine infinite goodness didst give unto us thine eternal and only-begotten son Jesus Christ, and hast now raised his sacred humanity to the high places of heaven; grant, we beseech thee, that by our devotion to the mysteries of his Risen and Glorified Life both on earth and in heaven, we may so please thee, that by thy clemency we may attain to the vision and enjoyment of thee in the world to come; through the same Jesus Christ, thy Son, our Lord, who with thee and the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth, one God, world without end. Amen.


1. O my blessed Jesus, my Lord and my God, I adore and love "thee m thy risen beauty as then wert at the moment of thy triumph over death, and as thou wert in all thine apparitions during those mysterious forty days: and I bless thee for the joys thou gavest thy dear Mother In thy Soul and Body Glorified.

Hail Mary, Glory.

V. Blessed be Jesus Risen, alleluia.

R. And blessed be his five bright Wounds, alleluia.

All praise to Jesus for the joys
  His glory now on Mary showers;
It is a joy the joys are hers,
  For Mary's joys are doubly ours.

2. O my blessed Jesus, my Lord and my God, I adore and love thee in that risen beauty in which thou didst