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rist. 2. That they might repay , by their homage and adoration, the irreverence and contempt with which he has been treated by sinners in this most holy Sacrament. 3. That they might give him the honour due unto him, but withheld from him in so many churches, where he is so little loved, revered,, and adored He promised: to pour out abundantly the riches of his heart on all who should practise this devotion, not only on the feast itself, but on other days when they visited the blessed Sacrament.

Confraternities of the Sacred Heart of Jesus have been established in every part of &e Church, and have been enriched by the Holy See with numerous indulgences. The plenary indulgences granted to the' associates (with the usual conditions) are as follows: — 1; On the day of admission. 2. Oft the feast of the Sacred Heart. &. The first Friday or the first Sunday in each month. 4. On any one day in each month , at choice. 6 . At the hour of death , en condition of invoking (at least mentally) the holy name of Jesus. 6. On Christmas-day, Maundy-Thursday, Easter-day , and Ascenion-day. 7. On the feasts of the Conception, Nativity, Annunciation, Purification, and Assumption of the Blessed Virgin; on the feast of All Saints, All Soak-day, and on the feasts of St. Peter and St. Paul, fit Joseph, and St. John the Evangelist. 8. On the six Fridays, or the six Sundays, preceding the feast of the Sacred Heart, according as it is celebrated on the Friday or on the Sunday after the feast of Corpus Christi. 9. Oh the feast of St. Gregory the Great.

The partial indulgences are 1. Thirty years and their quadraganae, on the three nays after Christmas-day; on the feasts of the Circumcision and the Epiphany; the Sundays of Septuagesima, Sexagesimal, and Quinquageaima; Good-Friday, and Holy-Saturday; every day during the octave of Easter; on Low-Sunday, the feast of St. Mark, and the Rogation-days; and on Whit-Sunday, and during its octave. 2. Twenty years and their quadragenae, on Palm-Sunday. 8. Fifteen years and their quadragenae, on Ash- Wednesday, the 4th