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Sunday of Lent, the 3d Sunday of Advent; on the Eve, and at the Midnight and Aurora Masses of Christmas. 4. Ten years and their quadragenae, on the 1st, 2d, and 4th Sundays of Advent; every day in Lent (except those mentioned above), the Vigil of, Pentecost, and the three days of the Emberweeks. 5. Seven years and their quadrapenae, on the Visitation and Presentation of the Blessed Virgin, and on the feasts of the Apostles mentioned above. 6. The same on every day of the novena preceding the feast of the Sacred Heart. 7. Seven years and their quadragena, on the four Sundays immediately preceding that feast. 8. The same, at every visit to a picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in any church or chapel where it is exposed to public veneration; the conductions being contrition and prayers for the Pope's intentions. 9. Sixty days for every work of piety performed by the members.

These indulgences are applicable to the souls in purgatory.

All that is required of the associates in order to obtain the privileges attached to the confraternity (after admission by a duly authorised priest), is to say every day a Pater, an Ave, and a Credo, with the following aspiration:

O most sweet Heart of Jesus, make me to love thee more and more!

An Act of Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus; for the use of the Associates in particular.

O amiable Jesus, only Son of the living God, who, by an incomprehensible effect of thy love, wast pleased to be made man, to be born in a stable, to live amidst labours, to die upon a cross, and to leave us, as a perpetual pledge of thy tenderness, thy own body and blood for the nourishment of our souls, in the ineffable Sacrament of the Eucharist; thou beholdest at thy feet a criminal covered with confusion, who comes, in the spirit of union with all the associates in the adoration of thy divine Heart, humbly to confess his ingratitude, his iniquities, and those of all other men, that he may make reparation for them as far as in him lies.

Alas, O most amiable Jesus, we have sinned against Heaven, and before thee. The injuries, the outrages which thy Sacred Heart has received from the ingratitude