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and the malice of men, far surpass in, number the stars of heaven, the drops of water, the grains of the sand of the sea. What hath it not suffered on our part in the course of thy sacred life, in thy bitter Passion, and from the moment that thou hast dwelt amongst us in the Sacrament of thy love! Oh, with how much bitterness, opprobrium, and grief have we deluged thy divine Heart! Pardon! mercy! O adorable Heart of Jesus; mercy for me! mercy for all men, and for England in particular!

I detest, with all the sincerity of my soul, and with the most profound and bitter grief, every thing which hath ever offended thee in myself or in others; I detest it for the love thou deservest, and which is supremely due unto thee, I come to make thee an honourable reparation, with the deepest humiliation, and the most absolute annihilation of myself. Oh, that I could efface with my tears, and wash away with all my blood, the injuries which we have done unto thee. Oh, that I could repay thee, by my repentance, by my works, and by my love, all the glory, honour, and satisfaction of which thou hast been robbed by the injuries and, outrages that have been committed against thee! Accept at least the earnest desire with which thou inspirest me.

Vouchsafe, O Heart infinitely rich in mercy, to light again in my heart and that of all men, the sacred fire which thou earnest to kindle upon the earth. Let it purify them, let, it inflame them, let it make of them one heart with thy Heart. Pour down, I beseech thee, thy most precious and abundant benedictions on thy holy Church, and these who govern it; on this diocese, on this town, and on all those who are united with us by the bonds of this association. O Heart of Jesus, live, reign in all hearts, for time and for eternity. Amen.

A short Act of Consecration.

I engage myself with all my heart, for all my life, to the confederation of love and of reparation, formed in honour of the Sacred Heart, of Jesus. I renew the sacred alliance which I contracted with him in holy baptism, and renouncing Satan anew, his pomps, and all his