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word, a man of courage, fearless and undaunted, the defender of his religion. "Give me the rosary," he exclaimed amid the tumult; "how can you have the insolence to treat with irreverence and to speak blasphemously about an object of devotion which is so frequently bedewed with many a mother's tears!"

These words were received with a fresh outburst of mockery and curses; but he remained quite unmoved, and never rested until he had gained possession of the rosary. Then with manly decision he said to the mocking crowd: "Believe me, he is a better soldier who has a rosary in his pocket, than one whose mouth is full of blasphemy!"

5. Can you, my dear young friend, do otherwise than admire such courage and strength of character? Does it not give you pleasure to hear of the conduct of this young soldier, whose name is unknown to fame? It also rejoiced the heart of God, and He will likewise take delight in you, as often as you show yourself to be possessed of a like courage and decision, of true respect, of a proper regard for God and His honor. Truly the present day, in which the world is so far from God, affords ample opportunities for thus acting; wherefore go forth into life with a courageous heart and act like a man! "Behold, I command thee, take courage and be strong. Fear not, and be not dismayed, because the Lord thy God is with Thee in all