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things" (Jos. i. 9). "If God be for us, who is against us?" (Rom. viii. 31).

How beauteous is the courage which we find
With childlike confidence in God combined!
Who fears his God shall know no other fear
He heeds not pitying smile, nor unkind sneer.

The Sword of Respect for Authority

XXIX. A Glance at Nazareth

1. Direct your glance to Nazareth my youthful reader, and their contemplate the holy family. See what a splendid example of obedience the diving Redeemer gives to all and to young people more especially. Of Him, the incarnate Son of God, it is said in Holy Scripture: "Jesus was subject to them." " He advanced in wisdom and age and grace, with God and men." "He advanced in age," in this respect it was with the God-Man the same as it is with us ordinary mortals; He continually grew older.

On the contrary, the expression, "He advanced in wisdom and grace," is not to be understood in a purely human sense. Jesus Christ was, as the God-Man, ever full of wisdom and grace, He could not advance in them; but He showed it more and more plainly; He allowed it to appear more and