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Let your whole external demeanor give evidence of your respect for your father and mother. Even if clouds obscure the sun, I mean if real and manifest faults on the part of your parents lessen the brightness of their dignity, search for, and behold the sun through the clouds; namely, in spite of your parents' failings, remember their position of authority. God did not say in the fourth commandment: "Honor a good father, a good mother," but simply: "Honor thy father and thy mother."

3. In the preceding chapter I quoted an example of childlike respect for parents which was afforded by an official in a very high position. I will now give you another example.

The Blessed Thomas More, the chancellor of England, and consequently the highest personage in the realm after the king, kept his aged father always with him in his own house, and invariably gave him the place of honor. Nor did he ever go from home in order to attend to the business of the State without first asking on his knees for his father's blessing, and kissing the old man's hand.

4. Again I say, love your father and mother, honor them both in heart and deed. Prove your dutiful affection by never causing grief to your parents, but by being always to them a source of satisfaction. Imitate in this way the youthful Tobias, who was called by his