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aged parents, "The light of our eyes, the staff of our old age, the comfort of our life, the hope of our posterity."

Show your filial love, especially by supporting your parents with the most tender devotedness and the utmost generosity in sickness and old age.

5. Give proof of your filial affection also by praying daily and fervently for your parents.

Truly the prayer of a good son for his father and mother is certain to pierce the clouds and gain a hearing, exercising, as it does, a holy compulsion in regard to God.

6. Once more I admonish you, obey your parents; remember how Jesus Himself was subject to Mary and Joseph until He was thirty years of age. He obeyed them 1 How shameful it is to hear lads who are fifteen, seventeen, or twenty years of age say: "I am no longer a child, it is time to cast off leading strings!" Alas! alas! "I am no longer a child" — such a one is too entirely right! He is no longer a child of God, a child according to the sacred Heart of Jesus, but a child of pride. My dear young man, even should you have attained the age of twenty or thirty years, preserve and give proof of a real childlike affection for your father and mother.

And if perchance your parents sleep in "God's Acre," the best way to remember and to honor them will be to lead an upright and honorable life. If ever in a distant