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2. But how often ought you to approach the Table of the Lord? In 1849 Peter Perboir, a missionary priest, met with a martyrs death in China for the sake of Christ Since the time when he made his first communion he had remained faithful to his resolution that he would receive this food of the soul, the Bread of Angels, every month, and on the chief feasts cf the Church. His devotion on these occasions was so striking, that he seemed to be an angel when he knelt at the altar rails. And it was from this frequent reception of holy communion that he gained strength to become a missionary, and die a martyr's death.

If you are not called to such things as these you nevertheless need strength from above, whatever state of life you may choose, in order to wage a relentless war against the world, the devil, and the concupiscence of your flesh. Seek it, as that saintly missionary did, in frequent communion — in daily, weekly, fortnightly, or at least monthly communion. Make it your fixed resolution to approach the Table of the Lord once at least in every month; or if this is not possible, not to postpone this sacred duty for more than six or eight weeks. If your circumstances are such that your confessor urges upon you to go to communion once a week, or once a fortnight, follow his wise direction with alacrity.

3. But many objections are brought for-