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ward against the frequent reception of the Eucharist. In the first place it is said that in earlier times people did not communicate frequently, and yet they saved their souls; why should not this custom still prevail?

I reply that, on ths contrary, in the first centuries of Christianity it was the universal custom for every one, including grown-up men, and youths also, to receive communion every day.

In the second place you may perhaps say that you are not pious enough to communicate so frequently. But remember that holy communion was instituted not so much for saints as for sinners, just as the physician is wanted not so much for those who are in health, as for the sick and the ailing.

4. A third objection which you bring forward is that if you go so frequently to communion you must pull a long face, and never indulge in merriment. Never be merry any more! My dear young friend, it is just the truly pious people, I mean all who seek to keep themselves constantly in a state of grace, who are the most cheerful persons in the world : God grant that your own experience may convince you that such is the truth. UA dear conscience is a soft pillow."

A fourth objection which you bring forward is that if you go to communion so frequently you will find nothing more to confess! So much the better; it is just that which ought