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to promote the glory of God and the salvation of souls." - The Voice of the Sacred Heart.

Thoughts from Father Faber on Kindness

THE worst kinds of unhappiness, as well as the greatest amount of it, come from our conduct to each other. If our conduct, therefore, were under the control of kindness, it would be nearly the opposite of what it is, and so the state of the world would be almost reversed.


KINDNESS is the overflowing of self upon others. We put others in the place of self. We treat them as we would wish to be treated ourselves. We change places with them.


Kindness adds sweetness to everything.


OF GREAT consequence is the immense power of kindness in bringing out the good points of the characters of others.


A KIND act has picked up many a fallen man who has afterward slain his tens of thousands for his Lord, and has entered the Heavenly City at last as a conqueror amidst the acclamations of the saints, and with the welcome of its Sovereign.


KINDNESS has converted more sinners than either zeal, eloquence, or learning; and these three last have never converted any