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one unless they were kind also. In short, kindness makes us as Gods to each other. Yet while it lifts us so high, it sweetly keeps us low. For the continual sense which a kind heart has of its own need of kindness keeps it humble.


KINDNESS is infectious. One kind action leads to another. Our example is followed. This is the greatest work which kindness does to others - that it makes them kind themselves.


A PROUD man is seldom a kind man. Humility makes us kind, and kindness makes us humble.


A KIND man is a man who is never self-occupied. He is genial, he is sympathetic, he is brave.


IF a man habitually has kind thoughts of others, and that on supernatural motives, he is not far from being a saint.


THERE is one class of kind thoughts which must be dwelt upon apart. I allude to kind interpretations. The habit of not judging others is one which it is very difficult to acquire, and which is generally not acquired till late on in the spiritual life.


NOW, the standard of the Last Judgment is absolute. It is this - the measure which we have meted to others. Our present humor in judging others reveals to us what our sentence would be if we died now. Are we content