Page:The Aeneid of Virgil JOHN CONINGTON 1917 V2.pdf/360

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13:31. Jove.

"The bird of Jove, stooped from his airy tour.
Two birds of gayest plume before him drove."

Milton, Paradise Lost.

13:36. Wings.

"Around, around in ceaseless circles wheeling
With clang of wings and scream, the eagle sailed."

Shelley, The Revolt of Islam.

 "Whilst with their clang the air resounds." —Wordsworth, Excursion.

14:6. Walk.

"In gliding state she wins her easy way."

Gray, Progress of Poesy.

14:18. Paphos. A city in Cyprus. 14:20. Sabæan incense. Arabian frankincense.

 "Sabean odoures, from the spicy shore Of Arabie the blest." —Milton, Paradise Lost.

14:37. Bees.

"All hands employ'd the royal work grows warm:
Like labouring bees on a long summer's day.
Some sound the trumpet for the rest to swarm,
And some on bells of tasted lilies play;
With glewy wax some new foundation lay
Of virgin combs, which from the roof are hung;
Some arm'd within doors upon duty stay,
Or tend the sick, or educate the young."

Dryden, Annus Mirabilis.

15:18. Sidon. Tyre and Sidon were the chief cities of Phœnicia. Adjectives formed from them are used interchangeably with Phœnician and Carthaginian for the sake of variety or to meet metrical requirements.