Page:The Aeneid of Virgil JOHN CONINGTON 1917 V2.pdf/361

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15:37. Tears.

"Yet tears to human suffering are due;
And mortal hopes defeated and o'erthrown
Are mourned by man."
                    —Wordsworth, Laodamia.

         "The Virgilian cry, The sense of tears in mortal things." —Matthew Arnold, Geist's Grave.

 "Thou majestic in thy sadness at the doubtful doom of human kind." —Tennyson.

16:4. Pergamus. Troy. 16:12. Xanthus. A river near Troy. 16:13. Troilus. Shakespeare's Troilus draws plot from Chaucer. 16:19. Pallas. Minerva, goddess of wisdom, friend of the Greeks. 16:32. Memnon. Leader of the Æthiopian allies of Troy. Was son of Tithonus and Aurora. 16:33. Penthesilea. Queen of the Amazons who fought for Troy. Achilles slew both Memnon and Penthesilea. 17:6. Diana.

"Such as Diana by the sandy shore
Of swift Eurotas, or on Cynthus greene,
Where all the nymphs have her unwares forlore [left],
Wandreth alone with bow and arrowes keene,
To seeke her game."
                        —Spenser, Faerie Queene.

17:9. Latona. Mother of Apollo and Diana. The type of perfect mother love.