Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume VII.djvu/726

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714 GEORGETOWN 125 m. from its mouth, and 2J- m. N. W. of the capitol, Washington, from which it is sepa- rated by Rock creek, which is spanned by four handsome iron bridges ; pop. in 1850, 8,366 ; in 1860, 8,733 ; in 1870, 11,384, of whom 3,217 were colored and 1,020 foreigners. On the north and west it is overlooked by heights, commanding a magnificent view of Washing- ton and the Potomac, and a vast expanse of country, and crowned by villas and country seats. It is a quiet but thriving place, noted for its refined society and educational advan- tages. The custom house and post office build- ing is near the centre. On the N. W. slope of the heights is Oak Hill cemetery, encompass- ed by an iron fence, and beautified by original forest trees; it was laid out in 1849. Exten- sive street improvements are in progress. The Chesapeake and Ohio canal has its terminus at Georgetown, where a branch is carried across the Potomac by an aqueduct 1,446 ft. long, and 36 ft. above the ordinary tide, over which is an elevated roadway. Georgetown is the only port of the District, and is connected by steamship lines with New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore, and Norfolk, and carries on a considerable coasting trade. The value of foreign commerce for the year ending June 30, 1873, was $29,555. The canal furnishes excel- lent water power, which is utilized by a num- ber of extensive flour mills, and brings down large quantities of bituminous coal from the Cumberland mines. The principal literary insti- tution is Georgetown college, under the direc- tion of the Jesuits, which was founded as a college in 1789 and chartered as a university in 1815. It consists of a classical, a medical, and a law department. The classical depart- ment has a senior division (corresponding to the ordinary college course), divided into four classes; a junior division, divided into two classes ; and a preparatory department, with two classes ; the whole covering seven years. There is also a post-graduate course of two years. Besides more than 3,000 volumes in the students' libraries, the college possesses a li- brary of some 30,000 volumes, among which are many rare and curious works. There are 100 volumes printed between the years 1460 and 1520; three manuscripts anterior to the year 1400, and one of the year 1280. The faculty consists of the president and 20 profes- sors and instructors. The number of students in 1872-'3 was 187, viz.: senior division, 53; junior division, 65 ; preparatory, 69. The num- ber of graduates was 11. The medical depart- ment was organized in 1851, and a school of pharmacy has recently been established in con- nection with it, in which diplomas are given for proficiency. In 1872-'3 there were 10 profes- sors and 56 students, of whom 24 graduated in medicine and one in pharmacy. The law de- partment was established in 1870, and in 1872- '3 had 4 professors and 56 students, of whom 23 graduated. These two departments are in Washington. The college buildings, which are spacious, are at the W. end of Georgetown, and are surrounded by handsome grounds. Near the college is a convent of Visitation nuns, founded in 1799, and attached to the latter a female academy, with a library of 2,500 vol- umes. Georgetown institute is an English and classical school for boys. The whole number of private schools in 1872 was 21 (including 6 for secondary instruction), with 869 pupils. There were 4 public school houses and 17 separate schools, including 7 for colored chil- dren, having 19 teachers and an average at- tendance of 705 children. The principal char- itable institutions are the aged women's home and the industrial home school for juvenile vagrants. There are a national bank, an in- surance company, a weekly newspaper, a monthly periodical (published by the college students), and 13 churches. Georgetown was laid out in pursuance of an act of the colo- nial government of Maryland dated June 8, 1751, and was incorporated as a city Dec. 25, 1789. The charter was abolished upon the organization of the territory of the District of Columbia in 1871, but the locality is still known as the "city of Georgetown." (See DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA.) II. A town, port of entry, and the capital of Georgetown co., South Carolina, situated on the W. shore of Winyaw bay, near the confluence of the Black and Great Pedee rivers, 15 m. from the sea and 110 m. E. S. E. of Columbia; pop. in 1870, 2,080, of whom 1,379 were colored. The entrance to the harbor is obstructed by a bar. The neighboring country produces large quantities of rice. The value of foreign com- merce, consisting wholly of exports, for the year ending June 30, 1873, was $64,537 ; en- tered, 6 vessels of 907 tons; cleared, 21 ves- sels of 3,813 tons. In the coastwise trade 80 vessels of 19,387 tons entered, and 14 vessels of 2,250 tons cleared. There were 7 sailing ves- sels of 767 tons, and 9 steamers of 773 tons, belonging to the port. III. A town and the capital of Scott co., Kentucky, built on high ground in the midst of the fertile section known as the "blue grass region," on the North Elkhorn river, 17 m. E. of Frankfort; pop. in 1870, 1,570, of whom 728 were colored. It contains two factories, two banks, and a weekly newspaper. It is the seat of George- town college (Baptist), founded in 1829, occu- pying three large buildings, and having in 1872 8 professors, 135 students (41 preparatory), and a library of 7,000 volumes. The western Baptist theological institute, founded at Cov- ington in 1840, was removed to Georgetown in 1854, and is conducted in connection with Georgetown college. In 1872 it had 2 profes- sors and 24 students. Georgetown female seminary (Baptist) in 1872 had 7 instructors and 110 students. Warrendale female college (Reformed) had 4 instructors and 70 students. GEORGETOWN (Dutch, Stdbroefy, the capital of British Guiana, and of the county of Dem- erara, situated on the E. bank of Demerara