Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume VIII.djvu/857

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PAGE Hera. See Juno. Heraclea 669 Heracles. See Hercules, lleraclidae. See Greece, vol. viii., p. 187. Heraclitus 670 Heraclius 670 Heraldry 671 Herapath, William 674 Herat 674 Herault 675 Herault de Sechelles, Marie Jean . . 675 Herbarium 676 Herbart, Johann Friedrich 676 Herbelot, Barthelemy d' 676 Herbert, Edward 677 Herbert, George 677 Herbert, Henry William 677 Herbert, John Rogers 678 Herbert, Sir Thomas 678 Herbert, William 678 Herbivora 678 Herculaneum 678 Hercules 679 Hercules 1 Club 680 Hercynia Silva 680 Herder, Johann Gottfried von 680 Hereditaments 681 Hereford 681 Herefordshire 681 Herford 682 Hering, Constantin 682 Heriot, George 682 Herisau 682 Herkimer co 682 Hermann. See Arminius. Hermann, Johann Gottfried Jakob, 682 Hermannstadt 683 Hermaphrodite 688 Hernias (two) 6S4 Hermes. See Mercury. Hermes, Georg 684 Hermes Trismegistus 684 Hermit. See Anchoret. Hermitage Wine. See France, Wines of. Hennon 685 Hermopolis Magna 685 Hermosillo 685 Hernando co 685 Herndon, William Lewis 685 Hernia 685 Hernici 686 Hernosand. See Wester Norrland. Hero. See Heron. Hero, in mythology 686 Herod the Great 686 Herod Agrippa 1 687 Herod Agrippa II 687 Herod Antipas 687 Herodes Atticus. See Atticus. Herodian 687 Herodotus 688 Herold, Louis Joseph Ferdinand. . . 689 Heron, a bird 689 Heron, a philosopher 691 Herophilus 692 Herostratus. See Erostratus. Herpetology 692 Herrera, Fernando de 695 Herrera, Francisco de 695 Herrera, Francisco de 696 Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de, 696 Herrick, Robert 696 Herring 696 Herring, John Frederick x . . . 698 Herrnhut. See Moravians. Herschel, Sir William 698 Herschel, Caroline Lucretia 699 Herschel, Sir John Frederick Wil- liam 700 Hereent, Louis 701 Hersfeld .. 701 Herstal 701 Hertford co..., 701 Hertford 701 Hertfordshire 701 Hertha 702 Hertz, Henrik 702 Hertzen, Alexander 702 Heruli.... 703 Herve.... .... 703 CONTENTS PAGE Hervey, James 703 Hervey, John " 703 Hervey, Thomas Kibble. ... 708 Hervey de Saint Denis, Marie Jean Leon de, Marquis.... 703 Herwegh, Georg 70 8 Herz, Henriette 703 Herzegovina .". 704 Herzen. See Hertzen. Hesiod 704 Hesperides !!..'.*!. " 705 Hess, Karl Adolf Heinrich' ! ! ! ."705 Hess, Karl Ernst Christoph 705 Hess, Peter von 705 Hess, Heinrich von ... ! ! 705 Hesse (two) 705 Hesse, Adolph Friedrich 706 Hesse, Nicolas Auguste 707 Hesse, Alexandre Jean Baptiste ... 707 Hesse-Cassel 707 Hesse-Darmstadt. See Hesse II. Hesse-Homburg 708 Hesse-Nassau 708 Hessian Fly ! .' 703. Hesychius, Saint 709 Hesychius of Alexandria 709 Hesychius of Jerusalem 709 Hesychius of Miletus 709. Heterocercal 709 Heteropoda, See Nucleobranchi- ates. Heteroptera. See Hemiptera. Hetman. See Attaman. Heuglin, Theodor von, Baron 710 Hevelius, Johannes 710 Heves co 710 Heves 710 Hewes, Joseph 710 Heyden, Jan van der 710 Heylin, Peter 710 Heyne, Christian Gottlob 710 Heyse, Karl Wilhelm Ludwig 711 Heyse, Johann Ludwig Paul 711 Heyward, Thomas 711 Heywood 711 Heywood, John 711 Heywood, Thomas 711 Hezekiah 711 Hiacoomes 711 Hibbard, Freeborn Garretson 712 Hibernation 712 Hibernia. See Ireland. Hibiscus 718 Hiccough 714 Hickes, George 714 Hickman co., Tenn : 714 Hickman co., Ky 715 Hickok, Laurens Perseus 715 Hickory 715 Hickory co 716 Hicks, Elias 716 Hicks, Thomas 717 Hidalgo 717 Hidalgo co 717 Hidalgo y Costilla, Don Miguel. ... 717 Hides. See Leather. Hierapolis, Phrygia 717 Hierapolis, Syria 718 Hiero'(two) 718 Hieroglyphics 718 Hieronymus. See Jerome. Hierophant 721 Higginson, Francis 721 Higginson, John 721 Higginson, Thomas Wentworth... 722 Highgate 722 Highland co., Va 722 Highland co., Ohio 722 Highlands 722 Highmore, Joseph 72 Highway 723 Hilarion, Saint 728 Hilary, Pope 723 Hilary, Saint J28 Hilda, Saint 724 Hildburghausen (two) 724 Hildebrand. See Gregory VII. Hildebrandt, Ferdinand Theodor. . . 724 Hildebrandt, Eduard 724 Hildegard, Saint 724 Hildesheim 725 Hildreth, Richard 725 Vll PACK nnico 726 Hill, Ambrose Powell. . . Hill, Daniel Harvey Hill, Isaac 726 Hill, Rowland... Hill, Rowland, Viscount.!! Hill, Sir Rowland . Hill, Thomas ! Hillard, George Stilhnan Hilleh Hillel '.; 728 Killer, Ferdinand.... Hillhouse, James 728 Hillhouse, James Abraham .... 7 .' > Hilliard, Nicholas 728 Hilliard d'Auberteuil. Michel Rene, 72s Uillsborough co., N. H 7'29 Hillsborough co., Fla . . 729 Hillsdaleco.... Hillsdale .' 729 Hilo 729 Hilton, William 780 Himalaya Mountains 780 HLmera 783 Himilco (two) 784 Himmel, Friedrich Heinrich 784 Himyarites 784 Hinckley 786 Hincks, Edward 786 Hincks, Sir Francis 788 Hincmar 786 Hind, John Russell 787 Hindoo Koosh 787 Hindostan. See India. Hinds co..., .. 788 Hinsdale co Hinton, John Howard Hiogo Hipparchus Hipparchus. See Hippias and Hip- parchus. Hipparion Hippeau, Celestin Hippias and Hipparchus Hippo Hippocrates Hippocrene Hippodrome Hippolytus. See Phaedra. Hippolytus, Saint : Hipponax Hippopotamus Hiram Hiring Hirpini Hirschberg Hirst, Henry B Hirtius, Aulus Hispania. See Spain. Hispaniola. See Havti. Histisea ." Histology Hit.... Hitchcock co Hitchcock, Edward Hitchcock, Charles H Hitchcock, Ethan Allen .... Hitchcock, Roswell Dwight Hittorff, Jacques Ignace Hitzig, Ferdinand Hoadley, Benjamin (two). . . Hoadley, John Hoang-hai. See Yellow Sea. Hoang-ho. See China. Hoar, Ebenezer Rockwood Hoare, Sir Richard Colt Hoare, William Hoare, Prince Hobart, John Henry Hobart Town Hobbema, Minderhout Hobbes, Thomas Hobby Hobhouse, John Cam Hoboken Hoche, Lazare Hochelaga co Hochheim. See Germany, Wines of. Hochkirch Hochst 188 789 740 71" 740 Tin Til Til 748 T4:; 741 144 T4t T1J 788