Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume VIII.djvu/858

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Vlll CONTENTS PAGE Hochstadt 752 Hock. See Germany, Wines of. Hocking co 752 Hocking 752 Hodeida 752 Hodge, Charles 752 Hodge, Archibald Alexander 752 Hodgeman co 758 Hodges, William 753 Hodgkinson, Eaton 753 Hodgson. John E 758 Hoeven, Jan van der 758 Hof 753 Hofer, Andreas 753 Hoffman, Charles Fenno 754 Hoffman, David 754 Hoffman, Murray 754 Hoffmann, Daniel 754 Hoffmann, Ernst Theodor Wilhelm, 755 Hoffmann, Friedrich 755 Hoffmannsegg, Johann Centurius, Count 755 Hoffmann von Fallersleben, August Heinrich 755 Hofhuf. 755 Hofland, Barbara 756 Hofler, Karl Adolph Konstantin . . . 756 Hofmann, August Wilhelm 756 HofwyL See Fellenberg. Hog 756 Hogan, John 758 Hogarth, George 759 Hogarth, William 759 Hogg, James 760 Hogshead 760 Hogue, La. See Cape La Hague. Hohenlinden 760 Hohenlohe, family of 761 Hohenlohe, Ludwig Casimir 761 Hohenlohe, Friedrich Ludwig,Prince 761 Hohenlohe-Waldenburg - Schillings- furst, Alexander Leopold Franz Emmerich 761 Hohenlohe -Waldenburg-Schillings- furst, Chlodwig Karl Victor 761 Hohenstaufen, family of 761 Hohenzollern 762 Hohenzollcrn, family of 762 Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, Charles Anthony, Prince 763 Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen,Leopold, Prince ........... 763 Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, Charles. 763 Hohenzollern - Sigmarlngen, An- thony 763 Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, Frede- rick 763 Holbach, Paul Henri Thyry d Bar- on 768 Holbein, Hans 764 Holberg, Ludvig, Baron 764 Holbrook, John Edwards 764 Holcroft, Thomas 764 Holinshed, Raphael 765 Holland 765 Holland, North 765 Holland, South 765 Holland, Sir Henry 765 Holland, Henry Richard Vassal!, Baron 766 Holland, Henry Edward, Baron. ... 766 Holland, Josiah Gilbert 766 Holland. Sir Nathaniel Dance 7<>7 Holland, Philemon 767 Hollar, Wenzel 767 Hollidaysburg 767 Hollins, George N 767 Hollis, Thomas 767 Hollis, Thomas (two) 768 Holloway, Thomas 768 Holly 768 Hollyhock 769 Holman, James 770 PAGE Holrnboe, Christopher Andreas 770 Holmes co., Fla 770 Holmes co., Miss 770 Holmes co., Ohio 770 Holmes, Abiel 770 Holmes, George Frederick 771 Holmes, John 771 Holmes, Oliver Wendell 771 Holothurians. See Sea Cucumber. Hoist, Hans Peder 772 Holstein 772 Holston 772 Holt co., Neb 778 Holt co., Mo 773 Holt, Sir John 773 Holt, Joseph 773 Holty, Ludwig Heinrich Christoph, 773 Holtzendorff, Franz von 773 Holy Alliance 773 Holyhead 774 Holyoake, George Jacob 774 Holyoke 775 Holyoke, Edward Augustus 775 Holyrood Palace. See Edinburgh. Holy Spirit Plant 775 Holy Week 776 Holywell 776 Homburg 777 Home, Daniel Dunglas 777 Home, Sir Everard 777 Home, Henry, Lord Kames. See Kames. Home, John 777 Homer 778 Homestead 781 Homicide 782 Hommaire de Hell, Ignace Xavier Morand 783 Hommaire de Hell, Adele 783 Homocercal. See Heterocercal. Homoeopathy 783 Homoousians 786 Homoptera. See Hemiptera. Hompesch, Ferdinand von 786 Horns 786 Honduras 787 Honduras, Bay of 791 Honduras, British 791 Hone, William 798 Honesdale 793 Honey 793 Honey Ant 794 Honey Bee. See Bee. Honey Dew 794 Honey Guide 794 Honey Locust 795 Honeysuckle 795 Honfleur 7f6 Hong 797 Hong Kong 797 Honiton 798 Honolulu 799 Honorius, Popes 799 Honorius, Flavius 801 Hont co 801 Hontheim, Johanu Nicolaus von. ... 801 Hood co 801 Hood, John B 802 Hood, Robin 802 Hood, Samuel, Viscount 802 Hood, Alexander 803 Hood, Thomas 808 Hooft, Pieter Corneliszoon 803 Hoogly, ariver 804 Hoogly: 804 Hook, Theodore Edward 804 Hook, Walter Farquhar 805 Hooke, Nathaniel 805 Hooke, Robert 805 Hooker, Joseph 805 Hooker, Joseph Dalton 806 Hooker, Richard 806 Hooker, Thomas 806 Hooker, Sir William Jackson 807 Hooker, Worthington 807 Hoole, John 807 Hooper, John 807 Hooper, William 808 Hooping Cough. See Whooping Hoopoe 808 Hoorn gos Hoorne. See Horn, Philip. Hoosac Tunnel. See Tunnel. Hop 808 Hope, Thomas 810 Hope, Henry Thomas 811 Hope, Alexander James Beresford. 811 Hope, Thomas Charles 811 Hope and Company 811 Hopkins co., Texas 811 Hopkins co., Ky 811 Hopkins, Edward 811 Hopkins, Esek 812 Hopkins, John Henry 812 Hopkins, Lemuel 812 Hopkins, Mark 812 Hopkins, Samuel 813 Hopkins, Stephen 813 Hopkinson, Francis 814 Hopkinson, Joseph 814 Hopkinsville 814 Hoppin, Augustus 814 Hoppin, Thomas F 814 Hop Tree 814 Hor 815 Horace 815 Horse 816 Horeb. See Sinai. Horehound 816 Horgen 816 Horites 816 Horizon 816 Hormayr, Joseph, Baron 817 Horn 817 Horn, a musical instrument 818 Horn, Cape. See Cape Horn. Horn, Gustaf, Count 818 Horn, Philip II. de Montmorency- ' Nivelle, Count of. 818 Hornbeam 819 Hornbeam, Hop 819 Hornbill 820 Hornblende 8-21 Home, George 821 Home, Richard Hengist 821 Home, Thomas Hartwell 821 Home d Frog 822 Horned Pout 822 Hornellsville 822 Hornemann, Friedrich Konrad 822 Homer, Francis .*. . . 828 Homer, Leonard 823 Hornet 823 Hornpipe 824 Horrox, Jeremiah 824 Horry co 824 Horsa. See Hengist. Horschelt, Theodor 824 Horse 824 Horse Chestnut 828 Horse Fly. See Diptera, vol. vi., p. 129. ' Horse Mackerel. See Tunny (Amer- ican). Horsens 830 Horse Power 880 Horse Radish 880 Horse Shoe 881 Horsetail 881 Horsefleld, Thomas 882 Horsley, John Callcott 832 Horsley, Samuel 882 Horta.. 832 Hortense, Queen. See Beauharnais, Hortense Eugenie.